Music Ministries
St. Paul’s offers serval ways to get involved in our Music Ministries. As our church says — “All are Welcome” — all are truly welcome to join in song in the different groups and ensembles.
From September through May, the Adult Choir practices every Sunday at 9:30am and Sunday at 11:15am. The group’s primary focus is to provide support for the Great Choir (the congregation) for our 10:00am service as well as other special services. There is no audition to be in this group, just simply show up for a rehearsal!
The Peoria Children’s Choir is now accepting registrations for the 2024 Fall season. Rehearsals will be held on Mondays from 5:30-6:30pm. This choir is open to singers of all abilities ages 6-12. There is no cost to join and no audition is necessary. For more information or to register a child, contact Jon Giblin (jgiblin@stpaulspeoria.com) or visit the Peoria Children’s Choir Facebook page.